
Coupon Codes

We know you love a good bargain, so we’ve made it easier for you to shop with our available coupon codes. With our exclusive discounts, you can save big on your cushion purchase and still get the top-notch quality you deserve. We offer a variety of coupon codes to choose from, so you’re sure to find the one that fits your needs.

To redeem your coupon code, simply enter it at checkout and watch the savings add up. We guarantee that our cushions will exceed your expectations and transform your space into a cozy and inviting oasis. With Cushion Connection, you can rest easy knowing you’re getting the best deal on the best cushions.

Available Coupon Codes

Coupon Code Description Expiration
CHAISEOUTSIDE 7% off any chaise cushions! 12/31/2025
PILLOW25 5% off total order! 12/31/2025
DEEPSEATDIVING 7% off any deep seating cushions, $100 minimum spend. Excludes clearance items. 12/31/2025
HAPPY4TH 15% off total order! 7/10/2024
SPRINGSAVINGS24 10% off total order! 5/01/2024
BLACKFRIDAYSALE 10% off total order! 12/01/2023
LABORDAY23 10% off total order. Excludes clearance items. Does not stack with other coupons. 9/12/2023
SUMMERHEAT 10% off total order. Excludes clearance items. Does not stack with other coupons. 8/10/2023
JULY4TH 10% off total order. $100 minimum spend. Excludes clearance items. Does not stack with other coupons. 07/11/2023
LUCKYYOU 10% off total order. $100 minimum spend. Excludes clearance items. Does not stack with other coupons. 03/24/2023
PRESIDENTSDAY23 15% off total order. $100 minimum spend. Excludes clearance items. Does not stack with other coupons. 02/28/2023

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